Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hired - Christmas hope for the future.

This week the new government statistic states that:

Initial jobless claims fall 3,000 to 420,000

This means that 420 thousand people lost their job just before Christmas and are looking for the Government to help them through unemployment. It's been like this for the past few years, nearly a half million people a month losing their jobs right here in the USA.

Fortunately, there are jobs to be found and is the way for you to find the job with 1,186,319 jobs listed in the last 7 days. Our goal is to give hard working Americans access to more opportunities faster allowing them more time to spend with their families.

Losing a job is bad enough, why should finding a job be bad too?

Recommend to a friend!

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While on Facebook, become a friend of !!
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Monday, November 15, 2010

More Options - Easier to Use

Sometimes it is good to step back and look at your design work and ask:

  • Is your design choice user friendly?
  • Is there a good appeal?
  • Can you get to the necessary options quickly and boost your confidence?
That drove some design changes that will help you find your next job - faster and easier.

Some changes -
  • Search for your next job immediately! Enter your search criteria and apply!
  • Added many Fast Search links for those who are exploring different kinds of jobs.
  • Added more Quick Link Search Engines - JuJu, FlipDog and Job Volume
We're not done - we're constantly improving, just like you are improving!

Thank you for making your search portal of choice.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Look and Feel

Added quick launch bar to some of the most popular sites.

If you do a keyword search for a job profession within the Hired911 portal, the Hired911 site will manage and automatically search for you bringing the results need into the job results area.

With another 450 thousand jobs lost in the last month, it's time to get everyone a job - start with !!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Networking and the job search - The Diligent Survive

From the book of Proverbs 10:4
He who deals with a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes one rich.

After landing my job I started to consider how many people were calling after I stopped sending resumes. I was averaging 3-5 recruiter contacts per week. That number dropped to 2 contacts in the week after I stopped sending resumes, then to 1 contact in the 2nd week. This week, there have been no recruiter contacts.

What did that tell me?

Let's start with the facts - employers say and likely do keep your resume on file for 6 months after you apply. That does not mean that they will be looking you up any time soon. Some businesses actively scrub the big job engines like Monster looking for resumes that might match up with franchise deals, or perhaps local sales talent.

What was different was my diligence to seek, call, and send my resume to a person. When I stopped making contact, they stopped calling. Does this apply to every recruiter? No, absolutely not. There are some retained services that may charge you to be your best friend! They will be actively seeking to get you a job.

So, be diligent. Treat your job search like a job. Use every resource available. was designed to put the best resources at your fingertips to save you time so you can do something fun after you have put your best effort into looking for new employment.

Be sure to click on More Listings! to find the job sites that pertain to your industry. The job seeker's goal is to not generalize too much but look for listings in the niche markets. Why? Because if an employer is looking for a nurse, it's more effective to list on a Nursing site vs. on a much larger (general) site. Only nurses will be looking on a nursing website for work!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why build a virtual office portal?

Why design a virtual office?

There are many great job sites available, but they are not consolidated. You can't share your information between one job site and another, which means that you are uploading and adjusting your inputs on each job site.

At one point, I was going to the local state agency and realized that I did not have any of my personal data to upload when I found a job on the state sponsored computer. The same as if I had gone to the library... my information was at home on my slow computer. If I had my information at my fingertips, I may have been able to upload the correct resume for the job, and....

I found that being out of work also meant that people you could talk to, or the computer system you were used to using were no longer available. You were on your own and didn't have an environment that was your office space. Why should your office space be limited to your home computer? Why not take your office, your resumes, your tracking sheets (for evidence of trying to get a job) and more WITH YOU and have it at your fingertips? answered my questions. I designed it for ME and have passed the benefits on to you. I use every day as I look for work. There are many features to explore. Look at the tutorial on the Home page called "Using the Portal" to see some of the features and how they can help you on your job searching.
