Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why build a virtual office portal? Hired911.com

Why design a virtual office?

There are many great job sites available, but they are not consolidated. You can't share your information between one job site and another, which means that you are uploading and adjusting your inputs on each job site.

At one point, I was going to the local state agency and realized that I did not have any of my personal data to upload when I found a job on the state sponsored computer. The same as if I had gone to the library... my information was at home on my slow computer. If I had my information at my fingertips, I may have been able to upload the correct resume for the job, and....

I found that being out of work also meant that people you could talk to, or the computer system you were used to using were no longer available. You were on your own and didn't have an environment that was your office space. Why should your office space be limited to your home computer? Why not take your office, your resumes, your tracking sheets (for evidence of trying to get a job) and more WITH YOU and have it at your fingertips?

Hired911.com answered my questions. I designed it for ME and have passed the benefits on to you. I use Hired911.com every day as I look for work. There are many features to explore. Look at the tutorial on the Home page called "Using the Portal" to see some of the features and how they can help you on your job searching.


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